
Rust Clans plugin is an all-in-one manager that lets you create, manage and invite players all from one stunning interface. Toggle friendly fire, view clan, and player leaderboards, create and break alliances, modify gather rates for clan members and set clan skins to identify clan members abroad easily.

Rust Clans Plugin Features

  • Beautiful user interface
  • Performance
  • Allied clans
  • Gather rate for players (allows you to set how much each clan member must collect resources. For example: each member of the clan must collect 10 thousand sulfur, so that later it can be used to craft explosives and attack another clan)
  • Clan skins (allows you to set common skins for all clan players. All the clothes on the players of the same clan will be the same, which allows you to distinguish your own from the enemies during the battle)
  • The clan TAG min- and max-length can be defined in the config
  • The clan overview shows offline member names
  • Clan members can toggle friendly-fire protection for clan mates and allies
  • Clan creation can check TAG’s against a blocked word list
  • Clan tagging can be optionally disabled
  • Old (not updated since x days) clans can be automatically purged
  • Clans rating
  • Players rating
  • Setting a personal avatar for your clan
  • Autowipe with wipe (optional)


  • clans (display clan menu)
  • clans help (get information about commands)
  • clan create (create a clan)
  • clan leave (leave from your clan)
  • clan join (open UI with invitations)
  • clan ff (toggle friendlyfire status)
  • clan allyff (toggle friendlyfire status for allies)
  • clan invite (invite a player)
  • clan withdraw (cancel an invite)
  • clan kick (kick a member)
  • clan allyinvite (invite a clan to ally)
  • clan allywithdraw (cancel the offer of an alliance)
  • clan allyaccept (accept the offer of an alliance)
  • clan allycancel (cancen the offer of an alliance)
  • clan promote (promote a member)
  • clan demote (demote a member)
  • clan disband (disband your clan)
  • clans.reborn.convert (convert data from Clans Reborn plugin)
  • clans.umod.convert (convert data from uMod Clans (v0.2.2+) plugin)
  • clans.convert.olddata (convert data from old data)
  • clans.loadavatars (download avatars of all players)
  • clans.manage list – lists all clans, their owners and their member-count
  • clans.manage listex – lists all clans, their owners/members and their on-line status
  • clans.manage show [name/userId] – lists the chosen clan (or clan by user) and the members with status
  • clans.manage msg [clanTag] [message] – sends a clan message
  • clans.manage create [name/userId] [clanTag] – creates a clan
  • clans.manage rename [oldTag] [newTag] – renames a clan
  • clans.manage disband [clanTag] – disbands a clan
  • clans.manage invite [clanTag] [name/userId] – sends clan invitation to a player
  • clans.manage join [clanTag] [name/userId] – joins a player into a clan
  • clans.manage kick [clanTag] [name/userId] – kicks a member from a clan
  • clans.manage owner [clanTag] [name/userId] – sets a new owner
  • clans.manage promote [clanTag] [name/userId] – promotes a member
  • clans.manage demote [clanTag] [name/userId] – demotes a member


  • clans.cancreate (permission to create a clan)
  • clans.canjoin (permission to join a clan)
  • clans.canleave (permission to leave a clan)
  • clans.candisband (permission to disband a clan)
  • clans.cankick (permission to kick a clan member)
  • clans.admin (permission to use command ‘clans.manage’)


Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A: Config

Q: Does the Clans plugin support other plugins?
A: Yes, this Clans plugin has an API similar to other popular clans plugins. If the plugin works with Clans – it works with this plugin too.

Q: How do I enable the display of clan ratings on the screen?
A: You need to install the Clans Top plugin

Q: Does the Clans plugin work with other Rust plugins?
A: The Clans plugin is designed to work with a wide range of other Rust plugins, but compatibility may vary depending on the specific plugins you are using.

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