The Admin Teleport plugin, Provides Admins the ability to teleport to players (awake or asleep), teleport players to each other or to the admin. All controlled via permissions. These are all in game commands for active admins.
Admin Teleport Permissions
This plugin uses Oxide’s permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant . To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke .
Granting this to a group or player allows them to use the /atp command
oxide.grant group admin
Permissions are: – allows use of the command
atp.tp2 – allows teleporting players to the admin
atp.sleeper – allows the admin to target sleepers with these commands.
Admin Teleport Commands:
/atp (playername)
This teleports the admin to a player.
/atp (playername) (anotherplayername)
This teleports the player to another player.
/atp2 (playername)
This teleports the player to you.
For example:
/atp some_jerk
This will teleport the admin who issued the /atp command to the player some_jerk. The name in the brackets is just the name, no brackets required in actual commands.
This is focused on just admins as there are some awesome teleport plugins out there for players, but some are missing admin commands.