The Advance Vehicles plugin some much needed info to all vehicles . and some perks
SpeedBoost — we added a fuel that can be added via stores or vending machines . ( lowgrade fuel : Skin : 3020053068)
— will increase vehicle speed depending of Config setup
— Console command highfuel to give with other plugins
Advance Vehicles Permissions
AdvanceVehicle.use – players to see UI
Sprint + Use – disables / activates UI when mounted (ex. Shift + E)
Advance Vehicles Config
"1. Use MPH (false will make it KMH) ": false,
"2. Speed Boosts ": {
"HelicopterSpeeds": 2.5,
"BoatSpeeds": 2.0,
"SubMarineSpeeds": 2.0,
"CarSpeeds": 2.0,
"SnowMobileSpeeds": 1.5
"3. UI Config Settings ": {
"DayTime Text Color (Must be in the RGBA format ex. 0 1 0 1)": "0 0 0 1",
"NightTime Text Color (Must be in the RGBA format ex. 0 1 0 1)": "1 1 1 1",
"ColdTextColor": "#258BC9",
"HotTextColor": "red",
"LowFuelTextColor": "red",
"LowFuelAmount": 50,
"Use ImageLibrary to display FuelType on Hud": false
Advance Vehicles Lang File
"KMHDisplay": "KMH",
"MPHDisplay": "MPH",
"OverLandLabel": "OverLand"
We would like to thank MEINRUST Community (@MeinRust) for help with testing , input and UI design and icon for fuel . without you guys this will not have been possible