Animal Boxes

The Animal Boxes Crates plugin allows you to add a little spice into looting barrels and crates.
You can add any animal to crate/barrel and surprise your players while collecting loot, or increase amount of animals on Your server in different way.


You can add any type of animal into crates and barrels.

You can check if an animal is in a crate, by hitting the crate with a melee weapon.

Configurable chances for animal and animal type.

Customizable amount of animals to spawn.

You can set any entity spawn on breaking/looting the container. [NEW]


animalboxes.use – Gives permission to spawn animals in crates.

Default Config (Version 1.0.5)

      "Require Permission": false,
      "Animal Prefab List": {
            "bear": "assets/",
            "boar": "assets/",
            "chicken": "assets/",
            "heavy_scientist": "assets/",
            "scarecrow": "assets/prefabs/npc/scarecrow/scarecrow.prefab",
            "scientist": "assets/",
            "stag": "assets/",
            "wolf": "assets/"
      "Crate Container List": [
      "Barrel Container List": [
      "Crate Animal Chance (0-100)": 5.0,
      "Barrel Animal Chance (0-100)": 15.0,
      "Crate Minimum Animal Amount": 1,
      "Crate Maximum Animal Amount": 1,
      "Barrel Minimum Animal Amount": 1,
      "Barrel Maximum Animal Amount": 2,
      "Crate Animal Chances": {
            "bear": 5.0,
            "boar": 40.0,
            "chicken": 10.0,
            "heavy_scientist": 5.0,
            "scarecrow": 10.0,
            "scientist": 10.0,
            "stag": 25.0,
            "wolf": 40.0
      "Barrel Animal Chances": {
            "bear": 0.0,
            "boar": 0.0,
            "chicken": 9.0,
            "heavy_scientist": 0.0,
            "scarecrow": 1.0,
            "scientist": 0.0,
            "stag": 0.0,
            "wolf": 0.0

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