This Announcer+ plugin plugin offers customized auto messaging to VIP and regular members! Send tailored messages to VIP players, while also keeping the regular members in the loop. Keep your VIPs engaged with special promotions, exclusive events, or just a simple thank you message for their support. Meanwhile, your regular members can receive updates on new features, community events, or any other news you want to share.
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Announces separate chat messages to VIP’s and normal players.
Announcer Language file/translation support. – Players will receive VIP messages instead of the usual messages.
Message Interval: Send a message every X seconds.
Help! Where can I get support?
You are welcome to contact me directly on Codefling or through my plugin support Discord –
How to install this plugin?
To install this plugin simply drop the AnnouncerPlus.cs file into your servers /oxide/plugins/ directory.
How to update this plugin?
If an update is available, overwrite the new AnnouncerPlus.cs file to your servers /oxide/plugins/ directory.
Do you offer custom plugin development?
Yes! Feel free to get in contact.
How to add or remove a message?
Add a message ID in the config file.
Use oxide.reload AnnouncerPlus to reload the plugin.
Change the message in the oxide/lang/ file.
Reload the plugin again.
Why do we keep messages in the oxide/lang files?
We use Oxide’s system to let you change messages for different languages. The game picks the language based on what the player chooses in their game settings.