The A Quarry PluginAdd custom quarries and pumpjacks to your server! High performance! (plugin only change default Facepunch values per quarry)
You can create any amount of different quarries and pumpjacks!
You can get the fastest support in our Discord: Alias™ dev.
A Quarry Additional
Work with RemoverTool plugin from umod (dont forget to disable refund in remover config)
Has own limits of quarries and pumpjacks per player
Has Logs for quarries and pumpjacks recieved by player from command
Has Langs for each reply message
Has EN and RU versions in archive
You can setup any of theese parametres for each quarry or pumpjack:
– Set quarry to be toggled only from owner or his team
– Change spawn prefab (to avoid use of holes and survey charges)
– Set custom name for quarry
– Change usable fuel to any item in the game
– Set amount of fuel to consume
– Set resource production interval
– Completely configure items and amount that quarry/jack produced. You can add or remove any items from the game.
quarry.give «SteamID» «SkinID» => give to player the quarry with specified skin from config
quarry.giveall «SteamID» => give all quarries from config to player
quarry.giveme => give all quarries from config to self
aquarry.give => allows to use «quarry.give» and «quarry.giveme» commands from in-game console
Future plans:
– Add an ability to upgrade quarries and jacks from one to another
– Open for your ideas