Admin 2 Team Chat

The Admin 2 Team Chat plugin allows players with permission to chat to another players team

Chat will go to target players entire online teammembers , in RED to show its a not teammate chat

Admin 2 Team Chat Plugin Permissions

Admin2Team.use    – Allows player to use command

Admin2Team.seechat   -Player that can see other’s teamchat


/tc toggle      ---- turns on/off teamchat view for players with perms


    "1. Prefix Color ": "#b936f7",
    "2. Prefix Name": "TeamChat",
    "2. Prefix Size": 15,
    "3. Message Color": "#9fa5a6",
    "4. Message Size": 17

Lang File

    "NoTeam": "{playername} is not in a team",
    "PlayerNotFound": "Player Not Found",
    "NoMessage": "You need to add a message",
    "NoPlayerName": "Player name not added , Who are you looking for ?",
    "NoPrem": "You dont Have Permission to use this command",
    "OffteamMessage": "[OffTeam to {playername}'s Team]",
    "TeamChatEnabled": "Other's TeamChat now Enabled",
    "TeamChatDisabled": "Other's TeamChat now Disabled"

Developer Hook

void OffTeamMessage(string sender,string target,string message)

to Catch outgoing message

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