The Admin TC Markers plugin adds the ability to see every Tool Cupboard on the map. Each map marker contains optional details of which players are authorized on the TC.
You can customize:
The color of the map markers depending on players authorized on the TC.
Supported colors: Red, Green, Blue, White, Black, Yellow, Cyan, Magenta
The visibility of details shown by each marker on the map.
Admin TC Markers Permissions
admintcmarkers.use – Grants a given user or group the ability to see map markers
Admin TC Markers Configuration
"Show advanced details Map Marker?": true,
"Show Raid Protection status? (Requires ShowAdvancedDetails = true, AND RaidProtection plugin installed)": true,
"Show player names on Map Marker? (Requires ShowAdvancedDetails = true)": true,
"Show building components on Map Marker? (Requires ShowAdvancedDetails = true)": true,
"Show colorful marker?": true,
"Colorful marker size? (Default=0.15) (Requires ShowColorfulMarker = true)": 0.15,
"Show Raidable Bases with TCs on the map?": false,
"Map Marker Color Values: 0=Red, 1=Green, 2=Blue, 3=White, 4=Black, 5=Yellow, 6=Cyan, 7=Magenta, 8=Grey, Other#=White": 0,
"ZERO players TC map marker color": 0,
"ONE player TC map marker color": 1,
"TWO players TC map marker color": 2,
"THREE players TC map marker color": 3,
"FOUR players TC map marker color": 4,
"FIVE players TC map marker color": 5,
"SIX players TC map marker color": 6,
"SEVEN players TC map marker color": 7,
"EIGHT players TC map marker color": 8,
"MORE THAN EIGHT players TC map marker color": 8,
"Can players purchase 'Admin TC Markers' for free?": false,
"Player purchase currency: Item, Economics, ServerRewards (Requires FreePurchase = false)": "Item",
"If using Economics or ServerRewards, whats your servers custom currency name? Examples: RP, Frooples, Gold": "RP",
"If player is purchasing with an item, what is the ItemID? (Requires FreePurchase = false)": 0,
"How much of said currency should 'Admin TC Markers' cost? (Requires FreePurchase = false)": 100,
"How long should the purchasing player own 'Admin TC Markers'? (Will NOT persist after server restart!)": 600.0
Admin TC Markers Chat Commands
Permission USE only:
/atcm on - Enables the TC Markers on the map
/atcm off - Disables the TC Markers on the map
/atcm refresh - Cleans and reloads all TC Markers on the map
/atcm reload - Same action as "/atcm refresh"
Everyone can use: (if enabled)
/atcm purchase - If enabled, allows a player to purchase Admin TC Markers for X time