The Admin Trolling Tool plugin help admin about trolling player.
/nofarm : Toggle a player's ability to farm.
/nodamage : Prevent the player from causing any damage to anyone or anything.
/dropchance : Set a base chance for a player to drop their weapon when damaging an enemy.
/sit: Seat the target player in a chair at the admin's crosshairs.
/noheal : Toggle a player's ability to heal themselves using medical items.
/dropplayer : Drop a player from a height.
/dropinventory : Discard all items from a player's inventory.
/reflectdamage : Reflect any damage the player inflicts back onto the target player.
chairs you can use (Change in the config oxide/config/AdminTools.json)
assets/prefabs/deployable/secretlab chair/secretlabchair.deployed.prefab