Pvp Marker

Pvp Marker

Pvp Marker plugin can help top showing all pvp activities (player vs player, player vs bot). if players kill each other or kill bots their coordinate marked on map and giving chat notification message. You can change the marker settings from the config file. You can change chat messages from the language folder. All Config … Read more

Social Links

Social Menu First Login Screen

About Social Links This Social Links plugin helps your players to easily reach discord and steam addresses. When players enter the game for the first time, a menu will appear and they can click on their discord and steam addresses and copy them. At the same time, players are given two papers with discord and … Read more

Timed Test Vip

Timed Test Vip

Timed Test Vip Plugin Timed Test Vip give player to vip permission for specific time with Time Permission Plugin. A player can use this command one time but if admin will wipe vipdata player can use this command again. Configs Language Settings: You can modify the notification messages in different languages under the ‘Language’ folder. … Read more

Smart Base

Smart Base Icon

About Smart Base Smart Base plugin give access to remote storage Box ( Large Wooden Box, Small Wooden Box, Coffin And Cupboard) then player can take and send item from storage boxes. All Permissions smartbase.usesmartbase.large1smartbase.large2smartbase.large3smartbase.small1smartbase.small2smartbase.small3smartbase.coffin1smartbase.coffin2smartbase.coffin3smartbase.tcsmartbase.allbox if player has “smartbase.use” permission so player can use this plugin features. All Plugin Settings For Smart Base Player Commands … Read more

Build Helper

Build Helper

Build Helper Auto Grade Similar to B Grade, but with a more premium feel. Once you equip a blue print, a beautiful GUI pops up, in the top right, which highlights what tier your building in. Permissions per tier can be given according to what your aiming for. You can change tier images from config file. … Read more

Wipe Protect

Example Notification of Wipe Protect

Wipe Protect Rust Premium Plugin Wipe Protect plugin provides two types of protection for players in Rust. Firstly, you can enable general protection. General protection provides universal protection for all players starting from when the server wipe occurs, and during the duration specified in the configuration file, no player can damage another player’s base. Secondly, … Read more