Admin Trolling Tools

Admin Tools

The Admin Trolling Tool plugin help admin about trolling player. Commands: chairs you can use (Change in the config oxide/config/AdminTools.json) assets/prefabs/deployable/secretlab chair/secretlabchair.deployed.prefabassets/bundled/prefabs/static/chair.invisible.static.prefaassets/bundled/prefabs/static/toilet_b.static.prefabassets/prefabs/misc/summer_dlc/beach_chair/beachchair.deployed.prefab

Admin Toggle

Admin Toggle

The Admin Toogle plugin help quick change admin status Installation Place the AdminToggle.cs file in /oxide/plugins/ Place the XLIB.dll Dependency in /RustDedicated_Data/Managed/ Grant yourself the default permission o.grant user YOURNAME admintoggle.master the .master permission selector needs to be adapted to what you called the permission setting for the mode Information AdminToggle Allows admins with permission to toggle between player & admin mode … Read more

Admin Teleport

Admin Teleport

The Admin Teleport plugin, Provides Admins the ability to teleport to players (awake or asleep), teleport players to each other or to the admin.  All controlled via permissions. These are all in game commands for active admins. Admin Teleport Permissions This plugin uses Oxide’s permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant . To remove a … Read more

Admin Menu

Admin Menu

The Admin Menu plugin, manage your Rust server easier and more efficiently with the AdminMenu plugin. Track players, interact with them, edit their data and permissions, as well as change server convars and manage plugins. Admin Menu Features: Menu retains its state after closing, you won’t lose everything you did before. Ability to fully translate … Read more

Advanced Researching

Advanced Researching

The Advanced Researching Plugin Research Table Options Custom Research Currency Random Custom Research Options You can setup permissions to each individual Re-searchable Item. It’s already Prefixed for you!“SetPermission”: “vip” < Example   Important notes about Tech Tree Support. “Block Tech Tree Researching”: false, – Enabling this will fully lock out tech tree use! * If … Read more

Admin Map

Admin Map

The Admin Map plugin is an innovative plugin for the game of Rust, designed to make server administration easier and improve the quality of the gaming experience. Focused on optimization and functionality, this plugin provides admins with the tools to effectively control players, minimizing the negative impact on the server and other participants. Admin Map … Read more

Admin Kick

Admin Kick

The Admin Kick plugin  purpose of creating this plugin is that if an admin is not online, you can grant this permission to a trusted player, trial mod, or admin to kick any player from the server. Command Permissions adminkick.use : grant permission anyone to use.