

The Toastify plugin is a tool that creates temporary notifications on the user’s screen, used to facilitate messages between plugins and server users. CONSOLE COMMANDS toastify [toast_id] [player] [message] – to send a toast notification for a specific [toast_id] [message] – to send a toast notification for everyone PERMISSION of Toastify toastify.use- the permission … Read more

Another Info Panel

Another Info Panel

The Another Info Panel plugin, Players can choose between multiple styles. Plugin has a total of 5 preconfigured layouts/styles. Players have access to each of the elements, they can customize the color, position, icon anotherinfopanel.settings – Grant permission to access the settings menu /ip – To access info panel settings Economics Display Chinook and other … Read more

Ammo Hud

Ammo HUD

The Ammo HUD plugin Allows players to show an Ammo HUD. Ammo Hud Features Shows active weapon Ammo with colored warning when low. Shows total available Ammo in inventory. Icon color depends on type of Ammo (bronze = regular, blue = hv, red = incen, black = explo) Permissions ammohud.use Chat Commands /ammohud – (Sends … Read more

Advanced Player Hud

Advanced Player Hud

The Advanced Player Hud plugin will show players the health information of their armor, the ammount of bullets left on their inventory (for the weapon they are using in that moment). And the information on how many kills and deaths the user has. Important: This plugin depends on Image Library Advanced Player Hud Permissions: advancedplayerhud.use – Players … Read more

Server Hud

Server Hud

Server Hud Plugin give high experience for players. Features: You can add any plugin event in the UI (if it has hooks, usually specified in the plugin description)Has ingame UI menu for configure your HudThe time format is adjusted to the player (depending on his language in the game), it checks which time format is … Read more