

The Toastify plugin is a tool that creates temporary notifications on the user’s screen, used to facilitate messages between plugins and server users. CONSOLE COMMANDS toastify [toast_id] [player] [message] – to send a toast notification for a specific [toast_id] [message] – to send a toast notification for everyone PERMISSION of Toastify toastify.use- the permission … Read more

Another Info Panel

Another Info Panel

The Another Info Panel plugin, Players can choose between multiple styles. Plugin has a total of 5 preconfigured layouts/styles. Players have access to each of the elements, they can customize the color, position, icon anotherinfopanel.settings – Grant permission to access the settings menu /ip – To access info panel settings Economics Display Chinook and other … Read more

Advanced Status Demo

Advanced Status Demo

This Advanced Status Demo plugin demonstrates the integration with the AdvancedStatus plugin. It displays the amount of a specific item in the player’s inventory in the status bar. In this case, it’s Scrap, to track a different item, replace the itemID value on line 21 with the ID of the desired item. This plugin can … Read more

Advanced Status

Advanced Status

The Advanced Status plugin For developers whose plugins are compatible with AdvancedStatus, I can provide a permanent coupon with a 50% discount. This way, you can incorporate 50% of the AdvancedStatus cost into your plugin’s price and offer AdvancedStatus as a complimentary gift.

Advanced Player Hud

Advanced Player Hud

The Advanced Player Hud plugin will show players the health information of their armor, the ammount of bullets left on their inventory (for the weapon they are using in that moment). And the information on how many kills and deaths the user has. Important: This plugin depends on Image Library Advanced Player Hud Permissions: advancedplayerhud.use – Players … Read more

Advanced Clan Pings

Advanced Clan Pings

The Advanced Clan Pings Plugin, Every pvp in Rust tends to be caotic, with many players giving confusing calls to their team mates like “Under the rock” or “Over there”. With this plugin your players will spend less time trying to figure out where the enemy is and more time focusing on the pvp. This … Read more

Admin Menu

Admin Menu

The Admin Menu plugin, manage your Rust server easier and more efficiently with the AdminMenu plugin. Track players, interact with them, edit their data and permissions, as well as change server convars and manage plugins. Admin Menu Features: Menu retains its state after closing, you won’t lose everything you did before. Ability to fully translate … Read more

Additional Belt

Additional Belt

The Additional Belt plugin is a useful tool for players who want to get the most out of their game experience. By providing an extra slot in your inventory to carry needed items, this plugin can make gameplay more enjoyable and rewarding.One of the main benefits of using this plugin is that it allows players … Read more

AAlert Raid


The AAlert Raid plugin give notification with Game [UI], Rust+, Discord, VK.COM, Telegram. Need mod: DiscordAPI (, first you need to turn off the server, then install the mod Chat command /raid UI The menu is not distorted when changing the screen resolutionMessages edit in oxide/lang Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true – … Read more