Time API

The Time API plugin Provides API and Hooks which called when in-game day/night and real second/hour/day/month/year started.
Has no functional by itself. Usable only as plugin dependency.

Time API Configuration

    "Rust day start time (hour)": 7.5,
    "Rust night start time (hour)": 20.0

Time API Plugin API


Time API Plugin Hooks

void OnRealSecond() // called every real second
void OnRustDayStarted() // called right arter in-game day was started
void OnRustNightStarted() // called right arter in-game night was started
void OnNewRealHourStarted(int newHour) // called right arter new real hour was started
void OnNewRealDayStarted(int newDay) // called right arter new real day was started
void OnNewRealMonthStarted(int newMonth) // called right arter new real month was started
void OnNewRealYearStarted(int newYear) // called right arter new real year was started

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